Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Old chap

A fellow very old
Lived down the memory lane;
So grey, so very pale,
Too old a chap was he.
Did he make fun faces,
To scare away them kids,
Fierce snort he'd bid, But, vain would go it all. 
For they'd only laugh,
Make fun of the gentleman,
Have him clatter and clank, Laugh did'em a lot. 
Angry would he get,
Grumble did he so,
Exasperation thus would show; 
And so, groan would he.
But deep down in his heart,
Would he too along do laugh, Own fury he would mock;
And Chuckle, giggle,grin. 
Them devils knew the trick; Annoy him, would they again, Calm won't they let him stand,
 And, Laugh and laugh will them. 
"Ye tiny little brats,
Ye rascals make me insane.
Give'em old man so much pain.",
Would he them, then, tell.
When on one fine morning, Missing did he go,
And all day did not show They searched all fields, all barns. 
"Dead, buried is he,
Don't look, he won't come back.

They put him under his slate.",

Told them the elders, then.
No fun do they know now, 
Do not they be now gay;

Nor do they,now, know play
Do cackle not anymore.

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